So at the moment it feels like there's only really one song that everyone is talking about: the new Daft Punk song from upcoming fourth studio album
Random Access Memories, due for release in May. I love Daft Punk - one of my original favorite electronic acts since I started exploring the genre about eight years ago. I absolutely love this song too, its going to go down as one of my favorites of the year I think. I have to be honest thought: it's not a musical development on Daft Punk's part really. If you were expecting them to drastically change their sound in any way then Get Lucky would be a let down surely. Having said that its a classy piece of electro-disco which Daft Punk excel at. It's a case of why fix what's not broken really. It's very
Discovery, if you love that album then I don't see why you wouldn't love Get Lucky. Its my personal favourite Daft Punk album which makes me enjoy Get Lucky an awful lot indeed. It sounds more heavily disco than electronic to me too although considering Nile Rodgers is on the track I'd expect nothing less. Even though its very traditional Daft Punk in sound, I think it feels very fresh in comparison to a lot of electronic music (particularly the chart stuff) at the moment. I personally don't care for a lot of the very cold, clinical autouned to the heavens electronic music that dominates the chart at the moment. It's good to have a very vintage sounding track such as Get Lucky to balance it I think. Having said that, I do think that a whole album in this style would be a bit of a disappointment and too Discovery-esque (even for me) so I hope the album has a bit of variety at least. In the meantime though, I'll be enjoying Get Lucky for a good few more plays yet!
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